Emre’s invited DLP talk at AUTH in beautiful Thessaloniki Greece, October 2024

Celebrating double graduation with extended NanoCAS Lab, Spring 2021

Mallika and Manav’s graduation ceremony, Spring 2021

Tutu’s graduation ceremony, December 2019

Last slide of Tutu’s defense presentation, December 2019 🙂

Chen’s hooding ceremony, December 2018.

Fun and delicious group lunch after Chen’s defense, December 2018.

Mallika presenting her poster at the IBM/IEEE AI Compute Symposium, October 2018.

Ivan, presenting his poster at the IBM/IEEE AI Compute Symposium at TJWatson, October 2018.

Cycling at Apple Park with Hailang, September 2018.

NanoCAS Reunion in San Jose, CA Left to Right: Sushil (@ Dolphin Tech), Peirong (@ secret startup), Hailang (@ Apple), Suhas (@ NVIDIA), Emre (@ Stony Brook 🙂 ), September 2018.

Weicheng, after the doctoral hooding ceremony, December 17, 2017.

Tutu, presenting at ISCAS’17, May 2017

Chen, Tutu, myself (with my apple), and our colleagues and collaborators Milutin and Yasha at ISCAS’17, May 2017

Chen, presenting at ISCAS’17, May 2017

Gan with her PhD gown and Long Island Marathon medals, May 2017

Xiaoxi graduating, May 2017

Weicheng, with his best paper award he won at the SRC TECHCON’16, September 2016

Lab barbeque, May 2016

Hailang’s hooding ceremony, May 2016

When Shiwei received Undergraduate Recognition Award, April 2015

At the Stony Brook University Discovery Prize competition, with President Stanley, Alan Alda, and Jim Simons, December 2014

While giving a TED-type talk at the Stony Brook University Discovery Prize competition, December 2014

At the Stony Brook University Discovery Prize competition, with President Stanley, Dr. Robert Shelton, Dr. Esther Takeuchi, Alan Alda, other finalists Laurie Krug (winner), Eden Figueroa, Gabor Balaszi, Dr. Jim Simons, and Peter C. Agre (Nobel laureate), and Paul Hoffman, December 2014

IEEE Long Island Awards Ceremony, March 2014

Some of the Stony Brook NSF CAREER Award winners for 2013, with Alexander Orlov, Radu Laza, and Jonathan Rudick, February 2013

At the reception for Artists, Authors, and Editors, when Provost Dennis Assanis is acknowledging our works, September 2012